Discerning Attributes that excels our Study Centre
The motivation that contours the function of this Study Centre is a Compassionate and Quality ensured Contact for the fulfillment of the objective of disseminating the knowledge with particular emphasis on convincing students to the affordability of distance education to allied Professional Domains.
For this Study Centre Personal Contact is functional combination of both Teaching and Coaching involving both Cognitive and Psychomotor attributes of Curricular Management being articulated before each session to tide over the hurdle of duration constraints in contrast to regular teaching temporal span.
Adequate Care has been applied for engagement of Faculties to procure the objectives of Compassionate, Comprehensive and Dynamic knowledge propulsion.
Consistent Schematic Endeavour to organize extended duration for Practical Classes in addition to scheduled allotment by ameliorating the availability of instantaneous holidays into Practical Classes.
Availability of Instruments under the guidance of concerned faculty is being enshrined as prerequisite for conducting Practical Classes.
Encouraging Students to cultivate themselves to harvest knowledge both from printed and e learning sources other than conventional study material is being systematically but sincerely pursued as a Post Graduate student deserves to be affordably versatile as he or she has embarked upon the penultimate strata in the hierarchy of conventional curricular system.
Functional Synchronization of collateral endeavors is being authentically reflected by the performance of the Students in the University Examinations as also attained level of success in NET/SET and allied professional entry Tests.